Communication and Interaction (C&I)
Communication and interaction needs may involve difficulties with:
Advice on Speech and language
Click on each of the below tabs to get advice about helping children develop that skill:
Good listening underpins all language development and helps children to interact successfully with others
Make sure children have some time each day when they can hear you talking with no background noise to compete with your voice
Manage screen time so they get a good balance of time interacting with people too
Through play children learn how to interact with the world and with others. They learn to understand the world and to manage their own behaviour and emotions.
Let children take the lead in play - copy what they are doing
Try not to have too many toys out at the same time or they will find it hard to focus
Comment on what children are doing as they play so they have the words to go with what they are experiencing
Play lots of easy turn taking games to help them learn the really important skills of sharing and waiting for a turn
Try not to jump in too quickly if things go wrong. Working out how to sort things for themselves will make them more independent in their learning
Don't fix it so they 'win' every time. Learning that it is ok to lose sometimes and being able to cope with disappointment will make them much more resilient when they are learning tricky new skills at school
Model what you want to see. Take turns and look at them when they are talking to you
Children need to understand and remember not only the words and sentences they hear but also understand how the context affects the meaning
Get their attention before giving them an instruction - call their name and wait for them to look at you
Keep your language simple
Chunk longer instructions into single steps
Use pauses to break up longer pieces of information
Give children time to process. Count to 10 before you repeat the instruction. Unless you are sure it was too hard, try to use the same words so you don't just give them more language to process
Showing as well as telling ALWAYS helps. Use objects and pictures and gesture to support spoken information
Children need to choose the right words and put them together in the right order to get their message across to other people
Model lots of language for children to hear. Talk about things that your child is actually seeing, hearing and experiencing
Leave pauses for children to join in the conversation even if it is only with a gesture or a noise
Repeat any words your child says and add a word or two of your own so they can hear how to make it more complex
Model their sentences back to them with the correct grammar so they have something to copy
Help them to remember new words by talking about events afterwards. This will give them a chance to hear vocabulary again
Introduce choice into activities whenever possible e.g. "Do you want the blue one or the red one?" to give them opportunities to use language in a meaningful way
In order for people to understand what they are saying, children need to hear the sounds in words, remember them accurately and say then say them clearly and fluently.
Make sure children can see your face - it will help them know which sounds are in words
Keep the background noise as low as possible when you are talking to them. It will be really hard for them to hear the sounds clearly if there is lots of competing noise
Don't ask them to repeat a word unless you genuinely didn't understand. Repeating doesn't help - they are probably already giving you their best attempt.
Instead of asking them to repeat, try to use the word yourself so they have a really clear model of how the word sounds when a grown up says it
Clap new words out together. This will help them to really hear and remember all the sounds in the word
Children with communication difficulties can sometimes find reading and writing a challenge because of the problems they have with all the language skills which underpin literacy. The right support for their language early on is the key to helping them to develop their written skills.
Below is some advice to help with literacy:
Talk around the books they are reading and don't just ask questions - comment on the books too
Retell the story and guess together what might happen next
Make sure your child hears stories as well as trying to read their own school books. Audio books are a great idea for children who find reading hard. This will make sure they don't miss out on the new vocabulary that children who do read are experiencing
Encourage your child to say the word out loud as they are trying to spell so they can listen to the sounds
If they find handwriting difficult then take the pressure off by using letter tiles when practising spelling
Let them decide for themselves how long they need to look at a word before covering it up and trying to spell it
Always check they can read back their own spelling attempts
Resources and activities to support with communication and interaction skills can be accessed below.
Useful online Resources |
The Speech Express |
Activities for Speech and Language Practice at Home |
Chatter pack |
FREE Speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families and schools |
Information and advice to help you help your child learn to talk and support any speech, language and communication needs. |
Useful documents and activities |
Universally Speaking - |
The ages and stages of children's communication development from 5 to 11 years old |
Speech, Language and Communication (Section 5 - School's Therapy Pack) |
Conversation starters |
Games to Help Children with Vocabulary |
Word Web |
Speech discrimination sounds |
These are games to help children hear the difference between speech sounds. Below you can watch some of the children the NHS have worked with showing you how to play the games: